Welcome to the World of Idiosyncrasies

Hello and Welcome to my world. Here, you are free to feel as you feel without guarding your emotions, without acting matured and rational etc etc etc. Its an idiosyncratic world and you have every right to feel happy, sad, upset, cheerful, grumpy or whatever else you feel like! No judgements at all.
Oh, and while you enter, please leave you judgmental thinking, and stuck up attitude outside. It's a mad world in here already; and the least you could do is not add to the troubles. No one loves a drama llama ;)

Monday, July 28, 2008


When anger clamps clear reasoning and thought
When it seems I have lost all battles fought
When I think I am right, the world thinks I am not
When there is failure in all avenues sought

When all options seem to end
I am reminded of you my friend
Who for me all rules will bend
Who always has a patient ear to lend

Whose presence brightens my day
Who shows me an unventured way
Stay long after the last hope ray
And sticks by me, come what may

Who convinces the world that i am right
Looks at things from my point of sight
Who for the truth shall fight
Who sees in every darkness a ray of light

I try and try and break his patience
I ditch him and sever all his relations
And am i not justified in doing so?
After all i am a "Human Being"

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